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Install Slashbase Server IDE

Self-hosting Slashbase on your own server is easy. You need a Linux server. Follow the following steps to install it.


  • Linux server instance in AWS/Google Cloud/Azure/Digital Ocean or any other cloud provider.
  • Docker & Docker compose installed on server instance. If you don't have docker installed, follow the docker installation page

Running Install Script

  1. SSH into your server instance.
  2. Run the following commands:
mkdir slashbase && cd slashbase
curl --location --output
chmod +x
  1. Enter root user email and password & wait till the setup completes.
  2. If install succeeds, Slashbase Server is running on port 3000.
  3. (Additionally) You can point the server to a URL like by using nginx/apache or any other server software and add an SSL certificate.

Manual Instructions

  1. SSH into your server instance.
  2. Run the following commands:
mkdir slashbase && cd slashbase
touch docker-compose.yml
touch app.env
  1. Update the contents of docker-compose.yml with this file contents.
  2. Update the contents of app.env with this file contents.
  3. Update the required docker-compose.yml variables file as below:
    • ${POSTGRES_DB} as a postgres database name. Or use slashbase.
    • ${POSTGRES_USER} as postgres user name.
    • ${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} as postgres password.
  4. Update the required app.env variables in file as below:
    • ${slashbase_root_email} to root user's email address.
    • ${slashbase_root_password} to root user's password.
    • ${auth_secret} to value generated by the command tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 64 ; echo ''.
    • ${crypted_data_secret} to value generated by the command openssl rand -hex 32.
    • ${app_db_host} to the value slashbase-db.
    • ${app_db_port} to the value 5432.
    • ${app_db_user} to the db user value that you use in docker-compose.yml file.
    • ${app_db_pass} to the db password value that you use in docker-compose.yml file.
    • ${app_db_name} the the db name that you use in docker-compose.yml file.
  5. Run docker compose up.
  6. Slashbase Server is running on port 3000.
  7. (Additionally) You can point the server to a URL like by using nginx/apache or any other server software and add an SSL certificate.


If you face any issues installing or using slashbase, send us a mail at [email protected] or contact support chat on our website